I was never really able to follow up on this post of mine last May. I dunno why...I think I just forgot. Well, I finally remembered. Just to refresh your memories, in that particular entry of mine I said that I did something that no one would normally be able to say they were able to do...I posed for a billboard ad! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I did it with my cousins to help out another cousin who works for Globe. Heehee...let's just say we love her very much that's why we did it :) The experience was quite fun, actually. The creative director and photographer and staff were really nice to us.

The red arrows are pointing at me, and the blue ones are pointing at my cousins :)
wow, congratulations. so cool
thanks :) I never thought I'd be able to pose for any kind of ad, let alone a billboard! haha! It was a nationwide ad campaign so I'm happy that I agreed doing this for my cousin.
wow! how cool is that kookie!! =)
haha I know, betz! :)my cousin wasn't able to send us a soft copy before the ad came out so imagine my surprise while driving along EDSA from the Mall of Asia when my brothers and I saw the billboard!
Very cool indeed!
Naks naman! :D
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