Although I've dreamed of having my own dslr, my first love with regard to photography would be film cameras. Prior to my fascination with lomography I was already interested in film photography in general. Admittedly, however, I never dabbled in photography up until college and I only used our old digicam. But I always was charmed by how pictures would come out using film. I loved that you couldn't manipulate how the pictures would look like once the film was developed. No way to photoshop, unless you scan the printed shot and do your magic with it on the computer. I would flip through photography books and be amazed with how photographers in the old days would capture such great shots without having the convenience of deleting them from their cameras and keep on taking pictures until they were certain they had the right shot. I guess it was more of a gut feel thing for them. My view on photography's like that. Whenever I go out and use any one of my film cameras, I just pray that the shots would turn out nice and I'd click the day away. I'd imagine in my head how the pictures would come out. Some of the shots were successful, some weren't, and a lot of films were just either underexposed or overexposed. Oh well, I'm still learning.
This set of pictures were all taken last year. I just had the films developed last week and you could just imagine how giddy I was when I finally got the package in the mail with all the developed films and the shots transferred to CDs. I just had to check the pictures already :p Hopefully my next set of films will turn out to have more successful shots.
At the National Museum, Manila

One of my grandmother's orchid plants

Red wall, Red door

Would you like some wine?

The things you do with a bit of alcohol...

Kusina Salud, San Pablo, Laguna
Green and Red don't always look too Christmas-y
Shall we take a dip?
Or enjoy the scenery?

1 comment:
i love the vintage fell of these photos, ecspecially the the seventh one :)
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