Three days without t.v, two hours of wifi, and LOTS of reading time. Quite relaxing, actually. Casa San Pablo's the perfect place to escape to if you want to destress and just lounge around, read, sleep, or eat. Though we only stayed for three days, I brought all my cameras so I could get lots of pictures. I settled with just using our old Canon digicam (which I think will soon conk out on us...I hope it I can finally have a valid reason to buy a new and waaay better one) and Smiley Cyrus--my Holga 120cfn.
These are shots I took on our first day at Casa San Pablo. Enjoy!
These are shots I took on our first day at Casa San Pablo. Enjoy! felt like I was entering a secret garden of some sort

welcome to room#2
our matchbox-filled room
...the door's rustic feel really fascinated me
...even the floor was fascinating! brick and wood
...felt like being artsy fartsy :)
the casitas
the alcantaras' (Casa San Pablo's owners) wonderful home
...hammocks to lounge on while reading a good book
red, green and yellow!
the gorgeous red room
a pretty piece of art that caught my eye in the lunch hall
my brother on the hammock
pretty flowers :)
green, yellow, and brown always look great together
vast space to explore
Haruki Murakami: my "companion" during the trip
view while lying down on the hammock
What an absolute fantastic place!!
yes, it's quite an enchanting place to visit :)
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