Sunday, November 29, 2009
Justice for the Maguindanao Massacre Victims
Click here for a virtual description of what happened. The article's here.
Please pray that justice will prevail. Am hopeful that Madame President will just forget that the Ampatuans helped her cheat her way into the presidency. Utang na loob naman, Madame. Maging TAO ka naman, please? May natitira pa naman sa conscience mo (sana)?
lovin' the fresh air

Friday, November 27, 2009
see you all next week!
Keeping my entry short--what did I have today? Hmm...nothing for breakfast, chicken for lunch, and buttered veggies for dinner. I'm getting a bit used to my no pork/no beef/no caffeine/no softdrinks diet. What day is it? Oh, day 8.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
day 6 and 7
Okay, I have to work on my lolo's avp and I have to finish it before 12. Goodluck to me!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
missing lolo
I think I was a year or almost a year old in this picture. Ergs. I'm gonna cry now.
Okay, on a brighter my dearest friend Kaye--who is thousands of miles away and in Italy (she's working and studying there), I wish you a Happy Birthday! Missing you heaps, love. Be good! Baka mamaya sinusulit mo yung "Welcome Back Kiss" mo, ha...Hahaha! Kidding :)

photo credit: Seattle Symphony blog
And oh yeah, my Tita Arlene gave birth last night (at exactly 10:11 p.m) to a healthy baby girl! Yay! The name's Megan Jacinth. We were all hoping for a boy, but we're just ecstatic to have a new baby in the family. If it was a boy, my aunt and uncle were going to name him Jacinto V--after my grandfather. Since the baby's a girl, they decided to play with Jacinto a bit thus the baby's name is Megan Jacinth :)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
getting 5
So today's the 5th day of my diet...I had some sort of wholewheat/oatmeal cracker (?) for late lunch. I had dinner with Mishi at Shangrila. We ate at Green Tomato--she had the kani salad and I had the shrimp and feta pasta. Mish gave me some of her salad--twas quite good, actually. It had shredded seaweed, too :) I wasn't able to finish my pasta so I brought home the leftovers and I'll probably eat it tomorrow for lunch.
Mish and I did a bit of window shopping at a bit depressed because I really wanted to buy a couple of items but I didn't want to spend my money. I need to save up for the gifts I'll be giving friends and family this Christmas. Ugh. Don't you just hate it that you know you have money but you can't buy anything because you're saving up for something else?
I'm soooo craving for Chocolate Kiss' fish and chips. I mean, I am really REALLY craving for it. Shiet.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Day 4
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Day 3
It was my Lolo Belo's birthday party this afternoon...It's his 86th birthday. He's actually my Lolo Jake's uncle. Yeap, his UNCLE. The celebration wasn't really that big, just a few relatives and close friends. I'm assuming the food was really good because my mom kept on going back for more. I only had the pasta because it was the only thing served without meat : Boohoo. Actually, it was quite good. And oh yeah, they also had sapin sapin! I luuuuuuuurve sapin sapin. It's my second favorite kakanin (local Filipino delicacies...usually sweet and eaten as dessert or as afternoon snacks) after pichi pichi. I also like kutsina, especially the ones my Tita Arlene buys at Cavite from her family's neighbor there.
Okay, since I'm talking about food already...what did I eat today?
-I didn't have anything for breakfast (as usual)
-Rellenong bangus (milkfish) for lunch
-the pasta for merienda
-nothing for dinner...too full from all the pasta and sapin sapin :
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Day 2
I will survive
I wanna share this month long journey of mine with you guys, so I'll be documenting my daily meals here. My commitment started on the 20th, so here's what I had yesterday:
-I don't usually eat breakfast so nope, I didn't eat anything this morning
-For lunch, I had chicken and pesto
-For my afternoon snack--I had the coleslaw from KFC
-I attended my cousins' gig at Magnet Katipunan so I only had calamares for dinner.
29 days to go!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
who cares if it's baggy?
for today
Wala naman akong karapatan magselos, di ba? Alam ko talaga wala. Naiinis ako sa sarili ko kasi alam ko hindi dapat. Yung tipo ng inis na naiiyak ka na, alam niyo yun? Ewan ko ba. I've decided to give this thing (not my jealousy, mind you) a deadline. Yeah, an effing deadline. I haven't thought about until when, though. Maybe until my birthday...or earlier. I dunno yet. HAY NAKU KASI NAMAAAAAAAAN. Sobrang this sucks. Although, I'm not totally unhappy with the entire situation. Self issue lang naman ang pinoproblema ko. Hay...shiet.
Okay, am done ranting.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
the forgotten Ilocos post
Anyway, Raiz and I spent some girl-friend downtime together at Serendra and Highstreet this afternoon. Can I just say, the mojito at Murray and D'vine is soo good! We wanted to drink more but then we remembered we had to drive home. Murray and D'vine serves gourmet burgers. I had My Son in Law's Spicy Beef was too spicy for me :| Last week when Mishi and I went there we had the Angus Beef sliders...pretty good :) Raiz and I wanna go back for happy hour (2-8 p.m). Whattabout 95 bucks for the cocktails?! Not bad, eh? We had dinner pretty early--around 5:30. Hahaha! Spent 3 hours at Murray's and then spent the rest of the evening at Starbucks at lazy to walk all the way to the other end of Highstreet for the other Starbucks.
Another chillax Saturday. Yay! :)
Friday, November 13, 2009
why I absolutely love Glee
2. The show is slowly highlighting the other cast members--like for episode 9 it was more about Artie and Kurt. It ain't about Rachel and Finn as much as in the previous episodes.
3. I love the fact that Kurt's dad is pretty open to him being gay. What's great about Glee is that it shows different issues in a not-so-serious manner.
4. Puck's hot. Hahahaha!
The list goes on and on but my brain's starting to lag a bit. I haven't been getting enough sleep lately so yeah...I think I'll just finish watching the last episode then I'm off to bed.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
long day ahead my, oh my
Anyway, I found this really nice planner that I've decided to give to five of my friends who, like me, suffer a bit from OCD (haha!). It's the Got Heart planner. I saw it at Anagon's site
What's really cool is that I'm also helping certain advocacies when I buy any Got Heart product. For more info about the Got Heart Foundation, go here.
Photo credit: Anagon's multiply site
Monday, November 9, 2009
Aldo is ♥
Here are a few that I liked:
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It's finally out!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
My friend Val's actually encouraging me to start another blog where I can just post the chapters to my new pet project: an online series. It's been a while since I've written serious articles and poems and I'd like to dabble a bit in short story writing. I'm not sure how short (or long) the story's going to be. I'm still thinking about the direction of the story. It could be, like, stories within a story. I'll figure something out. My writing juice is flowing and I was actually able to write a chapter already in just an hour. I had Val and my officemate Arlene read it first. They asked me the same thing: when's the next chapter coming out? Hahaha! Good reactions=good sign to continue. God, it feels good to write again! I mean, yeah I have this blog and I post entries more than once a week. But it's different writing something like a short story, with chapters and all that jazz.
Anyhoooo. For some weird reason, I am actually happy with the way things turned out. Yes, I tend to be too dramatic and emo-ish when I'm PMS-ing and having my Cinema One moments of FAMAS monologues so please don't mind my previous 'The Hills' drama episodes. First, I can now actually move forward and not want to be in that situation again. I can actually still be friends with the person, but I can't really imagine being genuinely happy being beyond that because there'd always be this errant thought at the back of my head about the relationship if it's right or not. God I had such a self-pity party this past weekend it's making me hurl.
Segue: I want to go shopping for a nice pair of boots for my HK trip this December. I was looking at Aldo and Zara yesterday and I just got depressed with the prices so nevermind. I'll probably check out other stores this weekend. And I want to go back to Tagaytay to check out the ukay ukays there. My mom asked me to buy nice jackets for my brother and grandmother for HK. She was shocked to find out that my white eskimo jacket only cost 150 bucks when we saw almost the exact same kind of jacket at Zara (though it had zebra prints all over..which I just adored, by the way) that cost almost 6000 pesos.
Okay I should really get back to work.
Monday, November 2, 2009
And I thought watching SATCTM would make me feel all empowered
God, I feel like a hypocrite. I've been telling my friend who's going through a break up that crying is normal and she shouldn't stop herself, and that it's going to be harder for her if she doesn't let it all out. I think I should be telling myself that.
I don't know who I should be angrier with. I'm mad at him, but I'm more pissed off with myself for having let that happen. I'm really trying to be rational about everything, but PMS is making me more emotional lately so yeah I'm anticipating that I'll be bitching more for the next few days.
My brother had a dose of my female rants this afternoon and what he said actually made sense and hit home that I wanted to punch him. He told me " should've asked him in the first place. That's what you get for assuming." Whatever. Ugh. I know, I know. My brother's right. My brother is such a guy--he comes off as such a jerk but he does have a point. I loff you, brother dear...even if you're often such a meanie.
Going back to Sex and the City, I liked a few lines from the movie. Some apply to me now, some I hope I'll fully appreciate someday.
But, that doesn't make them any less filled with love.
I am too emotional to even be writing a blog entry. Quoting LC again, "Too much draa-muh".
photo credit:
Sunday, November 1, 2009
damn it, Santi!!
Today's Nov. 1, and I feel like crap. Why? Let's just say I have issues to resolve. There.
I wrote a letter to myself..wanna read it?
Dear Nicole,
Stop it.
As L.C would say.." much draaa-muh". Hahaha!
Will be back to my semi-perky self tomorrow.