Sunday, June 28, 2009
the day before a stress-filled week
I was about to leave the building where Lay Bare's located when I noticed that there was a nail spa beside it. I checked out the rates of the services, and I immediately went in. Hahaha! My not-so-cheap thrills in life include getting a good mani and pedi. The name of the place is Get Polished! and it's quite a nice, homey nail spa. Now I have two places I'll go to every week or two. It's great that Lay Bare and Get Polished! are beside each other. I'll take pictures of Get Polished! this Thursday when I go back for my pedi. I only got a mani today because I had my toe nails done last week for my friends Mishi and Raiza's graduation.
And oh oh oh!! I bought fabric this Friday for the dress and top I'm going to have sewn maybe this week. I saw a blouse and dress in one of my Preview magazines that I want to pattern the top and dress after. I can't wait to have them done!! I don't have the time to learn how to make patterns and sew (yet!). I keep on telling myself I have to learn how to do these things but I haven't given them time yet. Anyway, I might as well learn on my own. I have the net to rely on :) I'll try to post shots of the fabric this Thursday. I'll post all the pics I'm supposed to share this Thursday. God, it's been so stressful at work that I haven't had the time to blog at all. Whenever I go home, I'm so sleepy I just check my email, facebook, and multiply.
Will post something again on Thursday...till then, everyone! :)
Something that you guys might want to think about...what are your cheap or not-so-cheap-but-relatively-affordable thrills? Is it buying the cheap chocolates you can get at any 711? Is it purchasing ice cream on a very sunny day? Tell me! :)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Before the movie will be shown here in Manila, I decided to read Coraline (by Neil Gaiman) first. I wanted to appreciate the book first before I get disappointed (or maybe be impressed) with the movie. I've never read any of Gaiman's works before. Though a lot of friends have told me to read his books, I was never really drawn to Gaiman enough to want to read his works. Maybe I've just been picky with the authors I read, I dunno. Anyway, I bought Coraline a couple of weeks ago...for the lame reason that I liked the cover. Hahaha! Admittedly, that's one of the factors I buy a book--if the cover art tickles my fancy. Most of the books I bought are because 1) I like the author; 2) the cover art was really nice; and/or 3) the description at the back of the book was good enough to intrigue me about the story. I bought Coraline because of reasons 2 and 3. I can't say I like or don't like Gaiman because I've never read any of his works before so there's no point of reference.
So what can I say about Coraline? I LOVED THE BOOK! It scared me a bit, but I ♥ ♥ ♥ it! I actually read it before I slept last night so I had a bit of a nightmare. Hahaha! After reading Coraline, I'll probably buy a couple more of Neil Gaiman's works. Any suggestions? People who've read Gaiman's works, what are your top 3 suggestions on what I should read, and why?
photo credit:
Monday, June 8, 2009
retail therapy need not burn a hole in one's pocket

Me with my friends Tin and Esther at the Tagaytay ukay ukay (December '08)
Monday, June 1, 2009
trips this year
a trek to Mt. Pulag (Cordillera Region, also up North)
(Bangui Windmills)
(Burgos Lighthouse)
(Paoay Church)
(Vigan Heritage Town)
My trip to Batanes--with college adventuremates (they're friends from a year lower than me who are fellow-Biyaheng Pinoy enthusiasts); my trek to Mt. Pulag--with the same college friends, officemates, and childhood friends (we need to form a group of at least 15 for the trek to be budget-friendly. hahaha!); and my trip to Ilocos Norte--with two of my good girlfriends. I noticed all my trips this year are up North :p
I'm just so ecstatic with these trips :) I'll be bankrupt by the end of the year, but to experience going to these places..gosh, spending money on these places is SO WORTH IT.
photo credit: ar.jy1207, cruz_jerry, wenmanong, A1 Philippine Travel Asia, davyop, and akosikenet