Over dinner, I was telling my friend (poeta fit, non nascitur) earlier about a picture that another friend took a couple of weeks ago when we went on a random photo shoot at Intramuros and the bayside (here in Manila). I'm so in love with this shot. It's so beautiful that it makes you wonder if it's a real shot or not.
javascript:void(0) Another picture I like (taken by the same friend who took the first picture) was of the gate to Fort Santiago. Fort Santiago is located inside Intramuros--where most of the Spaniards lived when they were still here in the Philippines (we were Spain's colony from 1516 until 1898...I'm not sure about 1516, but I do know we became a colony of Spain some time in the 1500s). Of course my friend fiddled with the settings of her camera to get this shot, but I absolutely love this picture.
Another favorite shot (I have a lot of favorite shots, actually. Hahaha) is of me while I was fixing my Holga. I think this was inside the Rizal Museum (also in Intramuros).
I'm excited for my next photo adventure (which will be next week). Off we'll go to Angono! Hopefully, I'll be able to post pictures taken using my Holga .It's quite expensive to have lomography as a hobby. You spend quite a lot on film and having it developed. I have 3 rolls of film that have yet to be developed, and I have 3 or 4 more that have yet to be used. Am excited to shoot once again! I could walk around Ortigas during the day and take pictures, but the weather's too unpredictable nowadays that I'd rather stay inside the office than stroll outside during my breaks.
If I had all of these pairs, I wouldn't have to worry about what I'd wear to work. They look so simple yet chic enough to wear to the office, or even to dinner out with friends. I just love ballet flats. I only have 3 pairs now, and I intend on adding more to my collection. I think it's more practical for me to wear flats everyday than heels. I do wear stilettos once in while.
After looking for the perfect pair of ballet flats, I'm now looking for the best yellow day dress. I just want a picture and I'll have it sewn somewhere. I could just buy the material. Ooooor..I could attempt to sew the dress on my own. After I'm done, I can wear it...in a few months. Hahahaha! That's how long it'd take for me to finish it if I did sew it on my own. Can someone please send me pictures of nice day dresses? I'm too lazy to google it. Too many pictures, too little time to check them all out. I did find this picture in The Sartorialist's blog. I absolutely adoooore this dress. The shade of yellow doesn't go with my skin tone, though.
Ang Apat. My friends since I was 9. These are the best bunch of friends one can have. Considering we went to different highschools and colleges, we're still really close. There are more of us, actually. It just so happens that only the four of us are consistently present in get-togethers and in the adventures we have (like our road trip to Laiya, Batangas this past summer...where we got lost..thrice.).
I miss them, and I can't wait to see these three next week for our adventure to Angono, Rizal to explore the Angono Petroglyphs and to check out different family museums of famous Filipino artists. Angono, Rizal is actually the Philippines' art capital. Rightfully so. I remember taking oil painting lessons in Angono when I was a kid. My friend and I would go there thrice a week for our lessons with Lolo Badong. I don't remember his last name but I do know that he's quite famous. I should ask my mom if she remembers. At least that's something I can brag about. Hahaha!
*picture from http://www.freewebs.com/otsaarizal/Petroglipikong%20Angono.jpg
Off topic. Can someone please give me this for Christmas? Hahaha
In my first office blog entry, the last thing I said was "I love Fita." To explain this..it just so happens that for the first few weeks at work, the only snack I'd eat every day, or every other day, are Fita biscuits. Hahahaha weird, I know. Then a couple of weeks ago I just started eating either Vcut or potato chips. Not really healthy things to eat, but they're just so gooooood. Plus, I've been obsessing over orange flavoured Fruitella. I can eat at least two packs a day. Wow. My sugar level must be a bit high, then.
Okay, there are people outside my office building who're holding a rally. The WB has an office here at my building (I dunno what floor) and the rallyists are protesting (AGAIN) against the bank..for a reason which I forgot. They're not really helping the country in any way so I'd rather that they just go home, or go back to work, or do something productive and beneficial to the country's reputation and economy. Helleeeewww...WE borrowed money from the WB. And..umm...it isn't the WB's fault that the stock market isn't doing well. I've noticed that everytime these rallyists hold protests outside my building, their claims aren't sound. I mean, they should do a bit more research before they make statements about how it's the WB's fault that we're poor.
I'm so tempted to go down and take their pictures but I'm afraid they might throw stuff at me for doing so.
6 more days before the promo for the Starbucks planner will start!
I wonder what the 2009 planner will look like...hmmmm....
I'm itching to have my films developed. I want to see how the shots I took using a 35 mm film will come out. I've tried using the regular 120 mm film for my Holga 120 cfn, and the pictures came out okay. I'm still figuring out how to use my camera. Hehehe :) I got it as a graduation gift from my parents. Well, that's what I asked for. They couldn't really understand why I wanted an old camera instead of asking for a digital camera or a new phone. I just told them that lomography's quite interesting and I've taken quite a liking for it. I usually take good shots with the typical digicam and dslr, and I definitely want to develop my skill in photography using old cameras. That's why I'm more interested in investing in lomo cameras and old slr cameras. I have two old slr cameras, actually. One 1984 Yashica, and a Canon slr...both have yet to be repaired. Hahaha!
Anyway, the shots I took with my Holga using my first roll of 120 mm film came out pretty nice. I definitely want to take my Holga out again. Maybe next week when my friends and I go on our Angono adventure :)
Since one of my friends is blogging (which is a miracle of sorts), I'm encouraged to blog more. I haven't been able to post any entries because I've been so busy with work. Now, I'll make it a point to post something here at least thrice a week.
I'll try to blog about something non-work related. Not now. Maybeeee...tomorrow?
I wrote this entry yesterday at work. I wasn't able to post it last night so...here it is.
October 14, 2008
It’s 3 p.m and I really want to go home already. I’ve been feeling sick since this morning. It started out as simply dyspepsia (whatever that is) but now, I’m a bit feverish. My fever started I think around 1:30. I was asleep in my car. Yes, that’s how sick I am. I couldn’t even sleep well because I felt so cold (despite not turning on my car’s AC).
Is it just me or is it really cold here in the office? Yes, it IS cold. Though I’m the only one reacting because I’m sick so it’s 10 times colder (for me, that is) compared to everyone here.
I’m done with the tabspecs and headers for one project, and I’m waiting for updates from the field for another project. If my boss were here, I think I wouldn’t be writing this blog entry mainly because she’ll have me do loads of stuff. Not really complaining about it. I love being busy. I love having my schedule everyday packed with things to do. Though being busy has its costs. So now I’m sick. And I don’t want to go on a sick leave simply because I’d rather have her tell me to go home and rest than inform her that I can’t make it to work. But, since my boss isn’t here…I can’t go home. And besides, I don’t think she’ll let me go home considering how much we need to accomplish today so that we won’t be delayed with submissions to our clients.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not only busy with work. I have Patatag rehearsals every Monday and Friday nights, TND every (obviously) Thursday, and meet ups/dinners/get-togethers during other days of the week. My weekly schedule is packed from Monday to Saturday, basically. Sunday’s the only time for me to really rest. The only reason for me to go out on Sunday is to attend service. That’s it. Sunday’s also family day, so I do have to spend it with my grandparents and brother, and occasionally my aunts, uncles, and cousins when they visit us at home.
I’m so thankful that I’m busy. But I guess God is teaching me a lesson now to just take things slow and not overwork myself. I should take care of my body. I can’t really afford to get sick because that’d mean I’d have to miss work (which is a big no-no). And I can’t get hospitalized again. That’d cost too much money, and considering how financially tight things are now for my family…I don’t really want to burden them with me possibly getting hospitalized again.
Why am I so busy with alot of stuff? I guess I just want to be able to spend more time with people I care about. I have lots of get-togethers to plan for the next few months, Plus, my “Ang Apat” barkada is going on several road trips (which Simon and I planned two weeks ago). Actually, there aren’t just four of us but Simon, Tin, Esther, and I have been the consistent attendees of all get-togethers and road trips so we named our group “Ang Apat”. I think we have another name. I didn’t intentionally coin it for our group, but I couldn’t think of anything to call our group when I made a comment on Tin’s site so I named our group “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Chenelin”. Chenelin i.e. whatever. Hahaha! Yes, I know it’s so gay, but we’re all babaeng baklas (is there even such a thing as baklas, I.e. plural for bakla? Di ba it’s supposed to be mga bakla? Whatever).
3:53 p.m
My boss just called and she had me edit the tabspecs. I’m done now. So I have nothing to do again. Good thing that my work load today is relatively light. It’s so hard to concentrate when you have a fever. Hehehe.
I will end this blog with just one thing. I LOVE FITA (will explain in next office blog entry).