Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pulag Preview

Hello, my dear readers! I got back from my Mt. Pulag trek early Monday morning, and am still recuperating haha! I should've prepared months before the climb. My body is aching all over. But all the pain and hardship---SO WORTH IT! I won't be able to share with you my Pulag experience now since I'm still a bit tired and I have to organize my thoughts first. Plus, I've been absent from work for two days (best 2 days ever, haha!). Seriously, there's something wrong when you feel this way about work already. Oh well...hoping for the best, expecting the worst. Anyhooo, here's a preview of what I experienced in my weekend adventure up north....

This isn't even a shot I got from the net...I took it while I was on top of Mt. Pulag--THE 2ND HIGHEST MOUNTAIN IN THE PHILIPPINES!! It's 2970 meters above sea level. Can I just say I'm so proud of myself? Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd be able to climb a mountain.

Watch out for my next post! I promise I'll try to share with y'all the details of my trip. Not much drama, though. We all just almost froze to death up there, hahaha! Can't wait to write my Pulag entry, but now I have to rest first.

To my dear readers--followers, frequent readers, or maybe you just stumbled upon my blog--go out and go on adventures! Don't be afraid to take risks and try something new. My Pulag trip was truly lifechanging, and I hope you get to experience an adventure so grand that you'll be able to say after "This was so worth it. I'm glad I did it."


Leah said...

Congrats on the climb Kookie! I'm so proud of you. xoxo

kookie kulasa said...

Thanks Leah! :) I survived Pulag, haha! I'm going to Sagada this April on my birthday weekend and am climbing Mt. Daguldol in Batangas this May :p Todo adventure this year, haha!