Wednesday, March 10, 2010

almost burned out

Or maybe I am burned out already from work. It's 4 a.m and I still can't sleep. Well, I did just get home about an hour ago. I had dinner and a looooong conversation with two of my girlfriends from work. One of them doesn't work in our company anymore, but we were teammates and we decided to have a reunion of sorts.

I'm so stressed out with work. Seriously. I can't sleep because my mind's still racing with stuff to do. My boss is driving all of us insane. I know that the field I'm in is really a stressful one, but there are just internal issues in our office that...nevermind. I don't really want to go into the details. All I can say is that I am really stressed to the point that I lose sleep over work and I even dream about work sometimes. That's not a good thing.

I'm going on a few trips this summer--my Mt. Pulag climb this weekend, my Sagada trip this April, the Pahiyas Festival and another climb this May in Batangas. Besides the fact that I want to be a bit more outdoorsy, I want to go on trips/adventures that would take my mind away from work. If I don't go on these trips, I wouldn't be surprised that I might just explode in the office and resign. It hasn't reached that point yet, and I'm hoping it won't. I like what I do, I just don't like what's happening in our office now.



Leah said...

Office politics!!! That's so normal... be strong girl.

Have a great day! xoxo

kookie kulasa said...

Hay...isa lang naman source ng stress naming lahat eh, hehehe.

Thanks Leah :) I hope you'll have a great day as well! :)

Unknown said...

oh beloved k, its okay.. we all have our days talaga. happens to me more than id like to admit. lol. to the point na it affects my sleep na.

anyway, at least youve got a lot of great getaways to look forward to. best of luck!


kookie kulasa said...

aaaww thanks eden :)

I'll blog about my pulag trip as soon as I get back (and after I recover..hahaha)

Louela Daniele said...

you need a much deserved spa and massage day! ive personally had days where i have trouble sleeping due to being worried and for the unknown of whats to come.

my advice to you.. write everything down before you go to sleep [or in this case, whenever you attempt to]. whatevers on your mind, what you have to do the next day or the coming up week, write it down. Eventually when you let this go on a piece of paper, your mind becomes fresh and load of anxiety would be lifted! While its on paper, you assure yourself that youll never forgotten anything. Save that worrying when youre awake!

In the meantime, enjoy your mt. climb. ive lived in davao for 4 years and never attempted to climb mt apo haha im kinda regretting it now that ive moved back to the states. oh well, im starting to realize that this comment is gradually getting longer..

on that note, bye! :]
check out my blog:

kookie kulasa said...

louela: thanks for the advice, dear :) yeah, maybe I should try writing things down more often...

lovin' your blog, btw :) Will add you to my blogroll