Monday, December 7, 2009

I really don't get why in Glee, to be a part of glee club is social suicide. Why????? After watching the 12th episode, I feel like it's so unfair to be deemed as a loser when you're part of such an awesome club. You'd have to be talented, and not afraid to perform in front of lots of people. It takes so much dedication to be part of the glee club. Haha I'm sorry...I'm so affected after watching the latest episode. Being a former glee club member, I got upset after the last scene.

I miss singing with my glee girls :( I miss spending the entire afternoon until late at night rehearsing our songs. I miss spending Saturdays either in someone's house or at the school's music room for workshops or more rehearsals. I miss running out of the gym after practice when Manong Bebot would turn off all the lights. I miss how we would all just get sooo into a song that after singing, we'd get giddy with goosebumps. I miss suddenly breaking out into song, singing the melody first, then slowly adding the other voices--we'd end up with another song to add to our repertoire :) How I wish we'd have a reunion of sorts. I would have to bring this up with Krina!


Nina said...

I was part of the glee club too in high school, although ... I never thought I had any talent in singing! I just liked hanging around the piano with fellow singers. Sooo much fun. Not suicidal at all?!


Unknown said...

i agree with you. i don't get it at first coz i deem glee people super talented. but they have a different high school social canon here. they see anything that involves theatre gay. if you're watching ugly betty, they have this kind of issue too. but for me, bullying glee people is their way of making themselves feel better coz they really aren't that talented.

kookie kulasa said...

Nina: I know, being part of the glee club isn't suicidal at all! Well, at least here in the Philippines--which I am sooo thankful for! :)

Betz: I don't get that mindset at all...if being involved in theatre or anything 'theatrical' is seen as 'gay', what's wrong with that di ba? It goes to show how some people can be ignorant about such things. Hope all's well with you there :)

Leah said...

Hi Kookie! I agree with you, how can they tag glee club members as social outcasts? Ako nga, I've been forever auditioning sa glee club nung araw and never got accepted but still I wanted to join.

Thanks for dropping by! Glad to know another blogger from Manila.