Wednesday, December 16, 2009

before I go off to bed

A few random blurbs :)

- I'm excited because my mom and little brother are arriving tomorrow. Yay! It won't be that quiet and lonely here at home for the next 2 weeks :)

- Am SUPER excited for my bazaar this weekend at Greenmeadows. I have a stall with my friend Annick--she'll be selling clothes, bags, and accessories while I'm selling gift sets with organic beauty products, and cookies (cinnamon butter).

-More excited for my HK trip next week!

-I haven't done any Christmas shopping. I'm serious. So I have no idea how I'm going to manage doing that this week.

-I went grocery shopping before I went home after work to buy the household products and toiletries for my office's Christmas outreach (organized by yours truly) to CRIBS in Marikina this Friday. I bought 8000 worth of groceries. Let's all share our blessings and love to others. We don't usually realize how a simple, random act of kindness can affect someone's life.

-I miss going on photo trips...but I have yet to master using my Russian 8m Lomo :| And I miss taking out my Holga!! I want a Diana Mini for Christmas. It's 3k, and I spent my money on paying bills so..oh well.

-When will I ever post my 'outfit for the day' shots? Ugh. I hate not having a decent camera. And a full length mirror. I have a tripod without a camera. Great. Hahaha!

I'm off to lala land hoping to dream about wonderful things...


Leah said...

Kookie, let's go out and shoot one of these days.

I have a blog give-away. Hope you can check it out. Big hugs!

kookie kulasa said...

Hi Leah! Wow, that'd be great! Yes, I'd love to go out and go on a photo trip with you.

I hope the holiday rush hasn't been stressing you out that much :)