Sunday, February 7, 2010

back to jogging

My mom, out of the blue, told me this morning that maybe I should start jogging again. Not that harsh...coming from my mom. It's not that she'sjudging me. I know she's just worried that it's gonna be harder for me to lose weight as I get older. I'm only 22 (turning 23 this April, yay!), barely 5 ft, and I think I'm about 10 pounds heavier than the BMI for my height and weight. So yeah, I totally agree with my mom. Both sides of my family has a history of diabetes so I really do need to be extra careful with my body. Sometimes, though, it's harder to hear it from other people. I mean, it's easy to be offended when someone tells you that you're gaining weight, or you should start losing weight...especially here in the Philippines. You know what I don't get--why people don't get it that asking/commenting about someone's weight is rude. Aaaack, sometimes I just cringe when my grandmother, for example, tells an aunt of mine that she seems to have gained A LOT of weight. I dunno...I just noticed that kind of thing from people here. Or maybe..wait, could this be a universal thing? I mean, do people in general not realize that commenting about other people's weight as something rude? Sorry, semi-ranting a bit. I think nga it's not about being's more of verbal diarrhea.

I have weight issues, obviously. Not a lot of my friends and family know that I battled with anorexia and bulimia when I was in highschool up until my 2nd year in college. I think the worst was when I was a freshman in highschool. My brother called me skeletor because that's exactly what I looked like. I was rail thin. I'm still looking for a picture.

Things got better by my sophomore year. I started eating regularly...but mid-year, I became bulimic. I'd binge then throw it all up when I got home. Again, things got better when I was in college, although I've never really gotten over my body issues...until now. I don't want to be stick thin, don't get me wrong. I would just want to have a normal BMI for my sake--for good health's sake :)

I want to lose weight the RIGHT way, the HEALTHY way. I don't want to go back to being anorexic. I don't want to go back to binging then throwing it all up. Honestly, when you're used to doing things that are that unhealthy for quite a long time, it's hard to lose weight correctly. Admittedly, it's a struggle--but I think it's better to struggle now then get used to eating right and exercising rather than lose weight by NOT eating then the payoff would be something worse in the future (like getting really sick).

So this week I start jogging again. And I won't skip breakfast anymore so I won't binge during lunch and/or dinner. Eeeeep wish me luck :)


Leah said...

Way to go Kookie... I will run with you when I get back. xoxo

Anonymous said...

i hate it when people do that. I have relatives who always comment on how fat/dark someone is. Like, "Ang cute ng batang to. Maitim lang." Kakainis!

Nina said...

My dear Kookie!

I agree with you a 100%. People here keep talking about how someone has lost or gained weight TO THEIR FACES. What is up with that? I've learned to become sensitive with this issue because I have a sister who thinks she is overweight. Truthfully, she is; but unwarranted comments just make her want to binge so I hate that for her!

Please always remember that the safest weight loss is 2 lbs a week. More than that is bad, okay?

We need a meet up. Are you in Manila already?

Nina said...

I mean it ... exercise in moderation, okay? Don't overdo it? What is important is WHAT YOU THINK and not what others think you should be or do?

kookie kulasa said...

Leah: Thanks! :)When are you coming back from Cali?

Gab: How I wish people would just learn to be sensitive :|

Nina: Yup, I don't want to overdo exercising. I just want to start practicing a healthier lifestyle :) And yes, I'm in Manila already! I arrived last Jan 29.

Corie said...

Kookie...whatever you do, just do it the right way; it all takes time. My father's side of the family was impossible to deal with when it came to weight. I use to be stick thin too...even after I had my daughter. Then about 7 years ago, I started to see the weight gain. My dad and his side of the family would crack jokes and always question when was I going to sign up with a gym. Of course I ignored them but eventually I did start excercising...but for me, not for them.

Take your time girl!

Unknown said...

oh kookie, i missed out a lot here!!! don't be too hard on yourself when it comes to losing weight ha? i also need to jog. feeling ko i'm so inactive these days.

kookie kulasa said...

corie: thanks for your words of encouragement, dear. it's been a bit difficult this week because a few people at work have been commenting about my weight gain.

betz: jog ka na rin! :) ako I really need to jog kasi I have to condition my body. I haven't blogged about it yet, but I'm going to climb Mt. Pulag (the Philippines' 2nd highest peak) this March! :) wheeeeeeee wish me luck :)

Nina said...


Meet up after V-Day! OR ... where will you be on Saturday? Visiting my Mom for lunch and then I'm free 'til the evening when I go meet up with the hubby! Shangri-la Edsa Mall? Yey ... window shopping tayo?

kookie kulasa said...

Maybe after Valentine's? This Saturday my sched's full na! Hahaha! I have a meeting sa morning, then I'm going to meet up with a high school friend (who I haven't seen in 3 years my gosh!) in the afternoon, then I have to rush home to cook for a Valentine's dinner with my friends. Whew! Are you free during weekdays? I'm afraid I can't din next Saturday because I'll be in Tagaytay with officemates (to destress, haha!). Just let me know when you're free so we can set a date ;)

Nina said...

Don't worry, Kookie ... I was just taking a chance ... After your Tagaytay do then? Or on any Monday? My sched is pretty loose on that day. Exciting!