Monday, November 2, 2009

And I thought watching SATCTM would make me feel all empowered

Watched Sex and the City The Movie on HBO. Felt like crap afterwards. Lots of lines just caught me off guard. Some made me want to throw the remote.

God, I feel like a hypocrite. I've been telling my friend who's going through a break up that crying is normal and she shouldn't stop herself, and that it's going to be harder for her if she doesn't let it all out. I think I should be telling myself that.

I don't know who I should be angrier with. I'm mad at him, but I'm more pissed off with myself for having let that happen. I'm really trying to be rational about everything, but PMS is making me more emotional lately so yeah I'm anticipating that I'll be bitching more for the next few days.

My brother had a dose of my female rants this afternoon and what he said actually made sense and hit home that I wanted to punch him. He told me " should've asked him in the first place. That's what you get for assuming." Whatever. Ugh. I know, I know. My brother's right. My brother is such a guy--he comes off as such a jerk but he does have a point. I loff you, brother dear...even if you're often such a meanie.

Going back to Sex and the City, I liked a few lines from the movie. Some apply to me now, some I hope I'll fully appreciate someday.

How about not doing anything you'd be sorry about??

I thought I'd still be in extreme pain. But I feel nothing. I'd like some more nothing.

Some love stories aren't epic novels, some are short stories
But, that doesn't make them any less filled with love.

Am having second thoughts about watching 500 Days of Summer...though a couple of people have told me this is the movie I should watch. I was able to download a few songs from the soundtrack, and one of the tracks included the narration in the beginning of the movie. I love the line where the narrator said something like "This is a story of boy meets girl. But you should know up front, this is not a love story."

I am too emotional to even be writing a blog entry. Quoting LC again, "Too much draa-muh".

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