Sunday, May 3, 2009

weight watch

I just checked my weight on the scale, and sadly I'm 123 pounds. Goal for the summer: Lose the 23 pounds I've gained in the past 8 months. Ever since I started working, I've been slowly gaining weight due to the fact that I'm just sitting on a swivel chair almost the entire day, my appetite has gone up and down, and no thanks to my co-workers who don't seem to care about being healthy I haven't been encouraged that much to exercise. Now that I've finally bought a new pair of running shoes, I will start exercising every morning and evening. My diet has to change a bit, and as much as this is hard for me--I have to give up drinking coffee everyday..maybe I can drink it once a week but I do have to sacrifice my morning caffeine fix.

Wish me luck and I'll keep you all posted with my weight watch! Let's all start treating our bodies right and be healthy!

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