Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I ♥ crime shows

I just ♥ ♥ ♥ NCIS! My brother doesn't really like it but I'm just so amused with the show. It's not as serious as most crime-solving shows, but it can get pretty intense.

I've been engrossed in crime shows since I was in high school, or ever since CSI came to be. CSI's still my favorite show--CSI Las Vegas specifically--but a few other shows have gained my favor.

1. Numb3rs
-Whoever thought of this must be a math enthusiast. How else can you encourage people to like math unless you show how "cool" it can be? Crime-solving + mathematics = Hit TV show. Thanks to this show, you see math in a different light. It can be sexy, I think. Well, yeah that makes sense. I know a few good-looking guys who you wouldn't think would be really good in math.

-I already explained why I like this show :p

3. Law and Order
-This isn't really a new series. Quite old, actually. It preceded CSI, but I was only able to watch it when Crime Channels started were suddenly being offered here. I like Law and Order: SVU

4. Criminal Mind
-I love this show! I think it'd be cool to be a profiler. Though I'm not so keen about getting into an unsub's head, I have to admit that you gotta have good analytical skills to be a profiler. You can't just be smart, you have to be able to put yourself in the unsub's shoes meaning you not only have to think but also feel like a criminal. Scary place to go, but it's part of the job. You have to be strong emotionally to be able to handle it.

Do you like crime shows? If yes, what are your favorite shows and why?


Teluete said...

Back in the day when I still watched TV, CSI-Las Vegas was #1. :) CSI-New York is a close 2nd. Bones, I think is pretty interesting but I haven't been able to follow it.

kookie kulasa said...

Oh yeah, I forgot about Bones. That was a pretty good show, too. I haven't been able to follow it as well, after the 2nd season.