Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Katre and I were just about to part ways after our accountability session this afternoon when I got a text message from my dad. "Pray for mom, she was diagnosed with pneumonia. Instructd no work and complete bedrest." I couldn't believe what I was reading. My mom was sick. My mom never gets sick.

When I got home, I just couldn't take it anymore. I cried. I prayed. I cried while I was praying. I was just praying for my mom that she'd be okay soon.

A few minutes ago I got a text message from my lola. My dad's starting to get sick, too. He's been spending so much time in the farm, plus with all the gulo that's been going on over the land--meetings with the other party, court hearings, etc...everything's just starting to take a toll on his body already.

Coby called up lolo to tell him that he's going home to Bukidnon with him this Friday. On my way home, lolo was trying to call me but I didn't notice my phone so I called him up when I got home. He asked if I was going to Bukidnon this Friday, and I said yes. I don't think my mom knows we're going home. My lolo informed my dad that we're going there this Friday, but not to tell mama to surprise her.

My only prayer now is that my parents will be okay...

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