Saturday, March 17, 2012

another one of 'em churches

I know I mentioned before that I have this fascination with old churches' bell towers. It's not just bell towers, actually. I'm really obsessed with old churches. There's just something about the architecture and history of these structures that fascinates me. Who were the men who built these? What were the exact conditions during the time these churches were made? That sort of thing...

Anyway, one of the churches I've visited while here up north is St. Dominic's Church in Lal-lo Cagayan. It's one church you'll pass by going to Aparri. It's right by the Cagayan River, and the view's quite spectacular.


Michelle said...

Hey, I like all the pictures of the Philippines that you have on your blog!Thanks for posting! The Philippines is beautiful. My mom's family is from northern Samar. I have lots of relatives in Manila. God bless!

kookie kulasa said...

Thanks so much, really warms my heart that you like the pictures :) I have yet to visit northern Samar but I plan to do so next year :) God bless you too!