With my mom and little brother while waiting for our flight to HK

On the 'walkalator' at the HK airport
My dad can be a bit weird sometimes..hahaha!
An amusing sign at the airport. I'm not sure where exactly.
Waiting to get checked in at the hotel...
My parents, brothers and grandmother...very happy bunch :)
I really like my Mom's coat from Zara...and her Gucci bag :) You can't see the scarf she's wearing, but it's also really nice (from Promod).
You can't see my Mom's shoes that much in the previous photo, but I'd just like to share it with y'all because it's really cute (from Franco Sarto).
If you look at my Mom's face, you'll see how it seemed to light up when she saw the sale sign on Giordano's window :p Of course we had to go in! :)
Our best family picture :)
As you can see, I'm not smiling anymore...after almost an entire day of walking, my feet hurt like hell. Haha!
Of course I had to go shopping on our first day. I had this shot taken at Azu, one of the boutiques near my hotel that I really like. They have bohemian/hippy types of clothing--which I have a thing for. My mom thinks my wardrobe can be a bit time warped. My brother just thinks my clothes are either too 70s for him or too 'Pocahontas'..whatever that means :p
We took the MTR to Disneyland...this was taken by my brother while we were waiting for the train at the Lai King station going to Sunny Bay so we could take the Disney train.

Trivia...the brand of the 'eskimo' jacket I'm wearing is Bess. I bought it at a thrift store in Tagaytay for only 150 bucks. When my brother and I were walking around Tsim Sha Tsui, we saw the actual store of Bess. And it was really a bit expensive. Jackets like the one I'm wearing cost more than 500HK$. When you convert this to pesos, a jacket from Bess costs at least 2750 pesos...and I got it for a fraction of the price! :)
REALLY happy to be at Disneyland :)
My grandmother and mom

My brothers and I being weird again.
The men in my life--my brothers and my dad...who seem to enjoy being weird a lot. Hahaha!
Someday, I will go inside THAT store and actually buy something.
As you can see, I opted to wear flats on our shopping day because I realized that if I wanted to survive that day I'd have to have mercy on my feet :))
Of course I had to have a 'tourist' shot :)
My favorite shopping lane at Tsim Sha Tsui
Peking duck for dinner! :)
Outside Chapel, one of my favorite stores in HK.
Notice the shopping bags? Hahaha considering I was supposed to be done with my shopping after having spent almost a thousand bucks at H&M that afternoon (?!?!?!?)
At our hotel's lobby, resting :))
With Alicia, one of my college girlfriends. She's really an HK resident, but just went to uni in the Philippines. We had coffee at Starbucks then moved to the Charlie Brown Cafe across my hotel while waiting for her MTR ride back which was at 1 a.m (?!).

Another 'tourist shot' haha!
Lovely mosaic on Park Hotel's wall.
Great shot taken by my dad in the tunnel en route to the airport for our flight back to Manila
While waiting for the check in counter at the airport to open, my brothers and I were obviously still very sleepy hahaha! If you noticed...we had 2 trolleys. Going to HK, we only brought 6 luggages. Back to Manila, we had a total of 10. HAHAHAHAHA! We grandmother bought 2 and my parents bought 2 more since we brought home a lot of stuff.
That weird look on my face was because I was trying to warn my dad that the lady at the duty free store was approaching to tell us we can't take pictures inside. Too late. Haha!
My last semi-'fashyon' shot in Hk c/o my little brother. I was actually asleep. HAHAHAHA!

You can't see my Mom's shoes that much in the previous photo, but I'd just like to share it with y'all because it's really cute (from Franco Sarto).

REALLY happy to be at Disneyland :)

Of course I had to have a 'tourist' shot :)

At our hotel's lobby, resting :))

I hope you enjoyed my photo blog entry about my recent HK trip.
Did you guys go out-of-town during the holidays? Please do share your experience :)
Did you guys go out-of-town during the holidays? Please do share your experience :)
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