Monday, April 6, 2009

loving Pinoy labels

My friend and I did a bit of shopping and a lot of window shopping this afternoon at the Shangrila mall. I was planning on buying only one dress--for my friend's wedding on the 18th. Alas, I couldn't resist so I bought another dress at F & H and I love love loooooove it! It's a simple black summer-y dress perfect for the disgustingly hot weather here in Manila. Quite weird that I chose a black dress, but the fabric's just so cool and light I figured it'd suit me well. Anyway, the dress I bought for the wedding's just fabolous in my book. It's simple, elegant, and the fabric has a unique flow and feel to it.

While we were looking around and checking out different stores, Mishi commented that she's starting to be impressed with local labels. Actually, I've been buying a lot of local stuff the past few months and I'd have to agree with her. Local lines are coming out with really good clothes. Though some are still relatively more expensive than others, prices are still reasonable...assuming the economic situation doesn't get any worse than we're expecting. From Crossings , to Bench, to Plains and Prints, to Bayo, and to Kamiseta--we transferred from shop to shop checking out dresses and fabulous blouses. To add to the torture, we also checked out Celine, CMG, Schu, and Steve Madden to drool over shoes we wish we could afford to buy. Unfortunately, pay day's a week from now so our wallets are quite thin.

Waiting for the 15th...I'm dying to do a bit--no--a LOT of shopping.

Anyway, I have a question for you guys: Have you ever been drawn to a type of clothing that whenever you go to a store, any store for that matter, you seem to gravitate towards just one type? For example, I've noticed that in all the stores I've been to I always check out the long dresses. I usually check out dresses first but I've been looking at long dresses for a few months already. So what are you drawn to?

I got this from daydream lily ...the "four things" tag (though I wasn't tagged..hahaha!)

four places i go, over and over - The Face Shop, Fullybooked, Bayo, and Charles & Keith

four tv shows watch - CSI (Las Vegas), Numbers, Cold Case, and House

four favourite smells - Bench Citrus, anything from Victoria's Secret's perfume line, the smell of baby powder, and the sweet scent of Johnson's baby cologne! :)

four places i'd rather be right now - at the beach with my friends, at Tagaytay snuggled up in Taal Vista Hotel's nice comfy bed, on a plane to Europe, at Casa San Pablo on a hammock staring up at the stars :)

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