Sunday, November 9, 2008

all about work

work clothes, that is.

this is a set on what I wanna wear to the office for casual friday

what to wear on a casual friday at work by kookiekulasa

staple items: jeans and glasses


poeta fit, non nascitur said...

which reminds me yet again how much i really need to buy a new set of frames. i'm so sick of contacts.

kookie kulasa said...

buy the cheap ones at bazaars then have the lens replaced na lang

kookie kulasa said...
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kookie kulasa said...
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Unknown said...

CUTE! I love Polyvore!

kookie kulasa said...

What better way to spend idle time at the office than make sets on polyvore, right? :) Thanks for commenting! I just visited your blog and i looooove it! I'll add you on my blogroll, okay?