Saturday, July 26, 2008

I need to...

- Be more responsible with my expenses. I don't want to write down the details of my bills for the past month. All I can say is...I need to stop spending. I seriously need to stop OVERspending. I've been spending so much (cash, plus swiping the card), and I haven't been checking regularly how much I've been spending. I got a call from my mom this evening. I was barely recovering from my cryfest when she called. I cried some more during and after we talked. I made my mom cry because of my expenses. Yes, it's that bad. I know this is my fault.

- Grow up.

- Be more aware that my so-called reality isn't so real after all. I hate sounding like a spoiled, whiny brat. A while ago, I sounded exactly like that. Crying over...ergs.

- Get a job. Seriously. Connected with everything else I've written...I NEED TO BE RESPONSIBLE NA!!! God, Nicole...You're an adult. GROW UP.

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