Monday, February 14, 2011

♥ ♥ ♥

Happy Hearts Day, everyone!

Monday, February 7, 2011

just a few things

I'm at it again---'quickie' posts. That sounded bad. Anyway, I am beyond, beyoooooond excited because something's come up and it has occupied my mind the past few days. I can't say what it is, for now :) Also, the past week has just been overwhelming because I've had quite a few 'a-ha!' and 'in-your-face' moments. And I didn't expect that the simple dinner my friend Mishi and I planned would turn out to be something more. We talked about career, what we really want to do with our lives, making things finally happen, and tons more. I also didn't mean to make Mishi cry, haha! I wasn't mean to her, though. I just said things that made her realize that she should stop settling and being lazy. I'm not saying she's lazy in general, more of lazy in doing things that she knows she wants to do but can't seem to find the motivation to do so. Anyway, this is turning out to be a long entry. I'll stop here. I will say one more thing, though.... Let us all bask in the awesomeness of life.